Restorative Yoga Pose: Bridge Pose Variations

Restorative bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) is a great way to gently open up the front of the body. It is a good pose to practice if you've been sitting and/or staring at a screen all day. Your backbend in bridge pose can be personalized by adjusting the height underneath your hips. The higher the height, the more intense your backbend will be.

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Restorative Yoga Pose: Legs up the Wall (Viparita Karani) with a chair

Just because the pose is called "Legs up the wall" doesn't mean you need a wall to practice it. As someone who does not have a lot of free wall space, this is my go-to variation for Viparita Karani. This variation involves a chair and the height can be adjusted by strategically adding props to the seat of the chair or underneath your hips.

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Restorative Yoga Pose: Frog Pose

A restorative frog pose is a gentle way to open the hips. I personally like feeling supported underneath my forehead. The blanket on a block holds my head in a comfortable position and allows my neck to release tension. Remember, the pose is meant to feel comfortable so support yourself with props as much as needed and add height underneath your torso if you feel an intense stretch in your hips.

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3 Reasons Why Rest is Important for Social Justice

The first time I learned about Juneteenth was a year ago when social media greeted me with multiple posts remembering and reflecting on this important holiday. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, the day when the last of the black slaves in the United States were officially freed after the Emancipation Proclamation. While this event was a historic step towards racial equality in the United States, Juneteenth serves as a reminder that there is still much work to be done to ensure racial equality and social justice.

Social justice often conjures up thoughts of action, protest, and pushing forward. While these are important and necessary actions, one important action often gets left out: Rest. Read on for 3 reasons why rest is integral to the social justice movement.

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5 Signs You're Burned Out and How You Can Start Recovery

Did you know that there is such a thing as being TOO tired? This feeling is called “burn-out” and is defined as being “in a state of physical or mental collapse”. Burn-out happens when your body and mind don’t have the ample opportunity to recover.

While tiredness can be remedied with a day at home sleeping, recovering from burnout takes more time and intentional effort. The best way to deal with burn-out is to avoid it by paying attention to the signs of tiredness and giving yourself plenty of time to rest and recover.

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